I opened the weather app on my phone. There was no denying that the storm was coming. I refreshed the screen minute by minute, hour by hour for updates. The radar showed a real-time movement of green, yellow, and red coming our way. The lightning emoji declared certainty that the entire day would be filled with rain.
I was weary from relentless Midwest summer storms. I desired to see and feel the sunshine, to get out of my house and breathe fresh air. Our Rudy had just been diagnosed with canine lymphoma, and I couldn’t tolerate the storms any longer. My heart was heavy and the grief was thick. The combination of literal and metaphorical storms became all-consuming.
I pleaded with the Lord for some sunshine. In my heart, I felt that the likelihood was slim; after all, I could see the radar proving that the storm was coming.
As I went to refresh my weather app for an update, suddenly, the storm had unpredictably shifted southeast. The sun illuminated my backyard. Light had broken through and cast the storms away.
The lure of likelihoods
Are you like me? Do you find solace and rest when you know the likelihood of any given circumstance? What’s the likelihood that rush hour will add an extra 30 minutes to my drive? What’s the likelihood that I’ll conceive a child while having PCOS? What’s the likelihood that Rudy will conquer his lymphoma? Straight to Google and my apps I go.
Sure, I approach the Lord too. But in my unbelief and doubts, I say to him: “Lord, really though. What’s the likelihood that I’ll see all my loved ones know you before they die? Lord, what are the odds that Rudy will live past his prognosis? Lord, what are the chances that I’ll actually conceive a child naturally?” Before I quiet myself to listen to the Father’s response, I quickly push him aside and return my own answer: “It’s not likely, God. The chances are slim, Lord. It doesn’t look good.”
Essentially, my heart says, “God, I don’t really believe that you can change this, that you want to, or that you hear me. I doubt that this concern is important enough for you to intervene. There’s no point in asking.”
We rarely recognize it — how slowly we add bricks to a self-protecting wall of doubt. The walls feel like protection when our prayers aren’t answered in the ways we see fit. We prefer statistics, data, odds, and likelihoods — all give us increased understanding and the feeling of control. We’re lured by likelihoods, not the Lord.
The storm can’t stand against
In our sinfulness, we believe that God’s power has somehow diminished from thousands of years ago when the Bible was written. But here’s what we must know and believe about our God: The Lord of lords doesn’t rule from his heavenly throne based on likelihoods, chances, and statistics. The King of kings isn’t shocked when new data emerges in the news. God Almighty isn’t taken aback by the odds stacked against us. The Most High doesn’t need to study or learn how to diagnose, treat, and heal his people. No — He. is. God!
He is the God who existed before all creation (Psalm 90:1-3).
He is the God who created the earth and all in it (Genesis 1:1-34; 2:1-4).
He is the God who knits us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-14).
He is the God who doesn’t grow tired or weary (Isaiah 40:28).
He is the God who calls for the water from the sea and pours it on the land (Amos 9:6).
He is the God who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead, and the God who will raise us (1 Corinthians 6:14).
He is the God who will destroy the enemy with the very breath of his mouth (1 Thessalonians 2:8).
He is EL, ELOAH, God “mighty, strong, prominent” (Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 139:19).
He is ELOHIM, God “Creator, Mighty and Strong” (Genesis 17:7; Jeremiah 31:33).
He is EL SHADDAI, “God Almighty,” “The Mighty One of Jacob” (Genesis 49:24; Psalm 132:2,5).
He is ADONAI, “Lord” (Genesis 15:2; Judges 6:15).
He is YHWH / YAHWEH / JEHOVAH, “LORD” (Deuteronomy 6:4; Daniel 9:14).
He is YAHWEH-JIREH, “The Lord Will Provide” (Genesis 22:14).
He is YAHWEH-RAPHA, “The Lord Who Heals” (Exodus 15:26).
He is YAHWEH-NISSI, “The Lord Our Banner,” a rallying place, a victory (Exodus 17:15).
He is YAHWEH-M’KADDESH, “The Lord Who Sanctifies, Makes Holy” (Leviticus 20:8; Ezekiel 37:28).
He is YAHWEH-SHALOM, “The Lord Our Peace” (Judges 6:24).
He is YAHWEH-ELOHIM, “LORD God” the Lord of lords (Genesis 2:4; Psalm 59:5).
He is YAHWEH-TSIDKENU, “The Lord Our Righteousness” who provides (Jeremiah 33:16; 2 Corinthians 5:21).
He is YAHWEH-ROHI, “The Lord Our Shepherd” (Psalm 23:1).
He is YAHWEH-SHAMMAH, “The Lord Is There” (Ezekiel 48:35; Ezekiel 44:1-4).
He is YAHWEH-SABAOTH, “The Lord of Hosts,” both of angels and men, heaven and earth, Jew and Gentile, rich and poor (Isaiah 1:24; Psalm 46:7).
He is EL ELYON, “Most High” (Deuteronomy 26:19).
He is EL ROI, “God of Seeing,” who lives and sees all (Genesis 16:13).
He is EL-OLAM, “Everlasting God” whose nature is without beginning or end, free from all constraints of time (Psalm 90:1-3).
He is EL-GIBHOR, “Mighty God” and Messiah, powerful and mighty to destroy God’s enemies (Isaiah 9:6; Revelation 19:15).
Need I say more?
Pray when you see the storm coming
Father in heaven, I cannot predict what you are going to do, for your ways are not my ways, and your thoughts are not my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). I cannot claim authority over heaven and earth like you can, so why I do I try? You are the Mighty, Everlasting, Almighty, Most High, Provider, Deliverer, Shepherd, King — and I am not. Please forgive my doubts and help my unbelief when I see the storm coming. Thank you for shining your glorious light onto me through your Son Jesus. Help me to stand firm on your certain promises secured for me in Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving me your Spirit to guide me as I navigate life’s chaos. Thank you for promising to work for my good (Romans 8:28), for delighting in me (Psalm 137:11), for strengthening, protecting, and upholding me with your victorious hand (Isaiah 41:10). The storm can’t stand against me as long as I am bound to you, Father. In trust and in confidence I give you praise in Christ’s name, Amen.
Cover image used with permission, Unsplash.com.
Names of God taken from GotQuestions.
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