For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, … [more]

My Top 10 Most Popular Infertility Posts
Keeping it real here: It's almost the end of National Infertility Awareness Week (April 21-27) and I did not get around to writing anything new. But I feel no guilt or itchy people-pleasing need to … [more]

A Prayer for the Woman Without a Baby This Christmas
Oh gracious Savior, Above all else at Christmastime, I thank you for willingly coming down from your heavenly throne to walk among us and experience life in a fallen world. Thank you for loving … [more]

September is PCOS Awareness Month: What You Need to Know
September is PCOS Awareness Month, and I’m encouraged by the increase in information and awareness being shared about this disorder. Whether you have PCOS, or whether you are a loved one supporting a … [more]

What Infertility Means to the Enemy
For years, my husband and I have walked a journey that no couple imagines they will face: infertility. We have never experienced the joys of a positive pregnancy test or holding our child in our arms. … [more]

When Mother’s Day Hurts
For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, … [more]

#FliptheScript: We’re Happier Than You Think
When we opened up about our infertility journey 5+ years ago, we were suddenly presented with scenarios and conversations we didn't expect to have. We discovered that, no matter how honest we were … [more]

The Fire Won’t Consume Me
This past summer, Matt and I embarked on a two-week road trip out to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons (Idaho/Montana/Wyoming). And wow, what a trip! I'm rarely a woman of few words, but … [more]

“Infertility, Miscarriage, and Jesus” — Register Now
"What have I done to deserve this? God, do you love me less? Are you punishing me, God?" Women struggling with infertility, miscarriage, and childlessness often ponder these questions, sometimes … [more]

Five Questions to Consider as You Wait
As a child, I rarely had lofty goals of being a doctor, an astronaut, or a teacher. My dream was to be a mother. When Matt and I married nearly nine years ago, I assumed that bearing a child would … [more]

Fighting the Lies We Believe About Infertility: 8 Bloggers Share How
One day I was on the receiving end of the enemy's relentless punches. Lie after lie bruised me, and I was weary. In considering the lies I was hearing, I called upon my closest Christian infertility … [more]

Childlessness and the Fear of Being Forgotten
From time to time, I lie awake at night, struggling to comprehend my future as a potentially childless woman. I am haunted by thoughts such as: "What will our future look like as a childless couple? … [more]

Praying in the Confusion
Are you in a season of confusion? Perhaps you are seeking to make a potentially life-changing decision, or maybe you are simply feeling directionless. As a woman living through infertility, I find … [more]

A Prayer for the Woman Without a Baby This Christmas
Oh gracious Savior, Above all else at Christmastime, I thank you for willingly coming down from your heavenly throne to walk among us and experience life in a fallen world. Thank you for loving … [more]

Infertility at Christmas: The Naughty & Nice List
Infertility is awkward. The holidays can be awkward. Put the two together, and it can make for a potentially explosive Christmas if we don't share with our loved ones how they should be … [more]

Thanksgiving Prayer for Those Trying to Conceive
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Dear heavenly Father, The Thanksgiving and holiday season can be painful for me, and … [more]

What Would Sarah and Abraham Say about Your Infertility?
I often wonder what our interaction would look like if I could sit with Sarah and Abraham (recorded in Genesis) over a cup of coffee, asking them for insight based on their experience with … [more]

How to Pray for Your Doctor Through Infertility
I sat with my friend in a quaint coffee shop watching the tears stream down her face. Yet, she wasn't crying about anything she was going through -- she was lamenting for me. I was updating her on … [more]

September is PCOS Awareness Month: What You Need to Know
September is PCOS Awareness Month, and I'm encouraged by the increase in information and awareness being shared about this disorder. Whether you have PCOS, or whether you are a loved one supporting a … [more]

The Ultimate List of Infertility Support Cards
I love snail mail and greeting cards -- can we agree that we need to bring them back as a means of communication and thoughtfulness? (Ask my hubby and he'll tell you that I have a box filled … [more]

Feeling the Weight of Infertility? These Scriptures Will Help.
Infertility is a whirlwind of emotions — and I’ve experienced them all. Though many of us experience the weight of infertility at different levels and in personal ways, the truth of God's Word has the … [more]

Praying at the Fork in the Road
I have encountered many forks in the road throughout my years of struggling to conceive a child. One way tells me to wait, one way tells me to move forward in treatment. One way points to parenthood … [more]

When You Don’t Want to Attend Her Baby Shower
Baby showers. Most people see these as joyous occasions -- and they are! However, for many women suffering through infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant/child loss, baby showers can be a … [more]

4 Assumptions You May Have About Our Infertility That I’m Squashing Right Now
When you open up about your infertility journey, you are suddenly presented with scenarios and conversations you don't expect to have. You find that, no matter how honest you are with your loved ones, … [more]

When Mother’s Day Hurts
For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, … [more]

What Infertility Means to the Enemy
For more than four years, my husband and I have walked a journey that no couple imagines they will face: infertility. We have never experienced the joys of a positive pregnancy test or holding our … [more]

These 12 Etsy Shop Owners are Raising Money to Build Their Families
In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week 2017 (April 23-29), I wanted to bring you the stories of 12 talented and courageous Etsy shop owners. These women have walked through the depths of … [more]

National Infertility Awareness Week 2017: Our Story
Thank you for stopping by today to read our story in honor of National Infertility Awareness Week 2017! What is the cause of my infertility? I have been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, … [more]

The Day We Took Down the Swing Set
I remember when we were considering purchasing this home five years ago. I squealed when we toured the backyard, "Aww look! A swing set! This would be perfect for the kiddos!" A baby swing, an adult … [more]

Five Ways You’re Unintentionally Hurting Your Infertile Friend
It’s a natural desire to say things to comfort those we love who are in pain. But in our desire to eliminate suffering from our loved ones’ lives, we can unintentionally hurt them. Even with the best … [more]

Five Questions to Consider As You Wait
As a child, I rarely had lofty goals of being a doctor, an astronaut, or a teacher. My dream was to be a mother. When my husband and I married nearly eight years ago, I assumed that bearing a child … [more]

Don’t Confuse Moving On with Giving Up
One area I battle with infertility is discerning whether or not I have moved on or given up in our pursuit for a baby. Truthfully, the only times I really wrestle with these thoughts are when others … [more]

Have You Overcome Infertility, or Are You Overcome by It?
The word "overcome" is an interesting word, isn't it? It can relay two different meanings depending on its usage. If we overcome (intransitive verb) something, we defeat it, conquer it, prevail. We … [more]

A Prayer for the Woman Without a Baby This Christmas
Dear Lord, Above all else at Christmastime, in humility I thank you for willingly coming down from your heavenly throne to walk among us. Thank you for opening the door to freedom and salvation … [more]

Thanksgiving Prayer for Those Trying to Conceive
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, it’s easy for me to feel entitled for you to bless me — especially with a child. Please humble me in your presence … [more]

The 6 “A” Words of Infertility Your Loved Ones Need to Know
Whether infertility is new to you, or you're a seasoned vet, conveying how you hope your friends and family will respond can be complicated. Believe me -- I know all too well. Through the years, I've … [more]

Feeling the Weight of Infertility? These Scriptures Will Help
Infertility is a whirlwind of emotions -- believe me, I've experienced them all. Many of us may experience the weight of infertility at different levels and at different times, but no matter which … [more]

September is PCOS Awareness Month: What You Need to Know
Isn't it interesting how four little letters can change your life? That's what PCOS has done -- changed my life in a personal, dramatic way. (Notice I didn't say negatively or … [more]

6 Infertility Bloggers Explain What Infertility Feels Like
Men and women who endure the painful, exhausting, and confusing road of infertility oftentimes find it challenging to explain to others what it feels like. Analogies are a fantastic way to do … [more]

Dear Girl With the Broken Body
Dear Girl with the Broken Body, Our journeys may not look the same, and the pain we experience individually I cannot relate. But I know what it's like to have dreams, ambitions, hopes, desires, … [more]

Sign Up for the ‘It’s Positive!’ TTC Fur Baby Exchange
**EXCHANGE HAS BEEN CLOSED!** Calling all the Fur Mommas out there! I'm hosting a gift exchange for the TTC (Trying to Conceive) community! One thing (among many) that I love about the TTC … [more]

20 Pineapple Gifts You Need in Your Life (Right Now)
For those who aren't aware, the pineapple is the unofficial mascot of the TTC (Trying to Conceive) community. Why, you may ask? Shouldn't it be an egg? Well, studies have shown that eating the … [more]

When Mother’s Day Hurts
For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, … [more]

National Infertility Awareness Week 2016: Our Story
In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week (April 24-30, 2016), I've linked up with Caroline Harries from In Due Time to share our story. Head over and check out other stories from couples across … [more]

What Infertility Means to the Enemy
I've been stumped for topics to write about for National Infertility Awareness Week (April 24-30). There are fantastic bloggers in my same camp who have been sharing infertility statistics, stories, … [more]

{Your Story}: Amanda & Mike Hyde
Amanda was one of the first women I met when I launched my It's Positive! Instagram back in November. I admire her openness and willingness to share the ups and downs of her infertility journey. She … [more]

The Day We Took Down the Swing Set
I remember when we were considering purchasing this home four years ago. I squealed when we toured the backyard, "Aww look! A swing set! This would be perfect for the kiddos!" A baby swing, an adult … [more]

Pros and Cons of Coming Out of the Infertility Closet
Since I began openly sharing our infertility struggle with the world, I've had many women ask me whether or not they should do the same. Sister, every woman is different, and every journey is … [more]

Think Before You Prank: Infertility & April Fools Day
I brace myself for it every year -- the pregnancy April Fools joke. The older I get, the less I see of these in my personal circles on social media (which I am appreciative of!). However, people … [more]

5 Ways You’re Unintentionally Hurting Your Infertile Friend (and Why)
It's a natural desire to say things to comfort those we love who are in pain. But in our desire to eliminate suffering from our loved ones' lives, we can unintentionally hurt them. Even with the best … [more]