Lord Jesus, life in this world hurts. And we know you understand our afflictions, grief, and sorrows more than anyone else (Isaiah 53:4-6). We pour intense love into our pets, and when they are taken away, our hearts sting. It feels like part of our hearts go missing, part of us is empty. We yearn for their companionship, comfort, and joy. Father, come near to us in our pain as we grieve. Pour out your Spirit of peace upon our hearts. Flood us with rest, oh God of all comfort. Cast out our anxiety and fears and replace it with your all-consuming peace.
Everyday Living

My Go-To Plant-Based Fall Foods
When I first changed to a plant-based lifestyle, I remember getting nervous about what I’d eat for fall and winter. What about chili?! What about chicken noodle soup?! What about chicken pot pie?! Thankfully, these awesome vegan recipe developers and chefs have come to the rescue! I can confidently say that I love these dishes […]

One Year of Veganism: What I’ve Learned & How My Life Has Changed
I owe my conversion to veganism to two things: prayer and laziness. And I’m grateful that the Lord responds to both! I curled up one day on my couch, scanning through Netflix for my next binge. The documentary “What the Health” popped up as a suggestion, and I clicked “play.” Everything changed after that. For […]

{NIAW Week GIVEAWAY!} Pineapple “Strength” Keychain
**Giveaway is closed** In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week 2018, I’ve partnered with Melissa Oprisko from Stamped by Melissa, who is generously giving away a hand-stamped pineapple keychain. Melissa and I know each other through our fur babies! Melissa’s Buddy and my Rudy are both Goldendoodles from the same breeder. She and I also […]

The Fire Won’t Consume Me
This past summer, Matt and I embarked on a two-week road trip out to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons (Idaho/Montana/Wyoming). And wow, what a trip! I’m rarely a woman of few words, but I honestly cannot explain how awestruck I was at God’s magnificent creation. If you’ve never been — go! In the […]

Celebrate Christmas with These Unique Advent Calendars
The word “Advent” has a Latin origin meaning “the coming,” or more accurately, “coming toward.” For Christians, Christmas is one of the greatest events of the year, as we celebrate the greatest gift ever given by God to mankind. That gift was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born into this world to live among […]

My Review of “Hope When It Hurts” (+ Giveaway!)
“Hurt is real. But so is hope.” It’s rare — a book about Christian suffering that isn’t filled with fluffy, canned, half-truth Christian jargon. But I found one: Hope When It Hurts by Kristen Wetherell and Sarah Walton. Hope When It Hurts is a book drenched in gospel-rich, Christ-exalting, biblically sound meditations. Sarah and Kristen warmly invite women to […]

Giveaway! Infinity Love String Art by Distant Realms
The super-talented Rachel Furlough from Distant Realms has graciously partnered up with me to give away this stunning 26″ x 16″ infinity love string art portrait (a $99 value)! Rachel and I connected through Instagram when I posted about how much I adored her nativity scene string art portrait on My Favorite Biblical Christmas Gifts and Décor on […]

These 12 Etsy Shop Owners are Raising Money to Build Their Families
In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week 2017 (April 23-29), I wanted to bring you the stories of 12 talented and courageous Etsy shop owners. These women have walked through the depths of infertility and miscarriage, and I admire their determination in fighting for their families. It’s my honor to give you a glimpse into their lives, […]

Things Every Doodle Tribe Needs
Anyone who owns a Goldendoodle (and other Doodles) knows that there’s a loyal tribe of the Doodle-obsessed. I am one of those people. In case you don’t know what a Goldendoodle is (gasp!), here are a few facts. They are a mixture of a Poodle and Golden Retriever. Labradoodles, though similar, are Poodle/Labrador mixes. There are […]

My Favorite Biblical Christmas Décor & Gifts on Etsy
Can you believe the holidays are here already? It’s amazing how fast the Christmas season arrives. And I admit: I get just as excited about the holiday season as I did when I was a child! One day I was searching for Biblical Christmas décor for my home on Etsy and realized I had ‘favorited’ 20 […]

Handmade Artisan Pineapple Gifts You’re Going to Love!
Did you know Amazon has a “Handmade” department specifically for artisans? It’s the Etsy version of Amazon! Ever since I found Handmade at Amazon, I’ve been obsessed. I often find myself intending to do a “quick scan” through the site — then two hours later, I’m still in my pj’s and haven’t eaten breakfast or […]