God, Father, Lord—These names typify our communication with and about him. We know His name is to be honored, not said in vain (Exodus 20:7). It is to be “hallowed,” revered in our prayers (Matthew … [more]
Christian Living

6 Ways Jesus Handled Opposition
I opened God’s Word with a heavy heart, feeling the burden of opposition. A friend had recently attacked my character due to a difference of beliefs. Stunned and hurt by this, I quickly recognized … [more]

My Anxiety, God’s Word
It’s easy to assume that someone as outgoing and passionate about Jesus as I am wouldn’t suffer from anxiety. But that’s not the truth. Throughout my life, I have suffered through several seasons … [more]

When Mother’s Day Hurts
For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, … [more]

34 Powerful and Shareable Easter Quotes
For thousands of years, Christians around the world celebrate Easter by rejoicing in the risen Christ. We grieve Jesus’s last hours that were marked by betrayal, humiliation, torture, and agony. We … [more]

The Open Door, The Promised Pasture
“Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be … [more]

Praying in the Uncertainty
Uncertainty and I have a long history, a roller-coaster relationship. In the seasons when I'm feeling unshakable in my faith, uncertainty is easily dismissed by my unwavering trust in the Lord. But … [more]

What Corrie ten Boom Taught Me About Suffering
“I could never do what she did,” I thought. I lay in a hammock under the shade of a maple tree in late summer. The breeze danced along my sandaled feet and through my hair. Birds serenaded … [more]

The Power of Our Criticism
One weekend, I was on a spiritual high after a church event and couldn’t wait to share my joy and excitement with a friend. Before I had the opportunity to fully express this joy, I was interrupted: … [more]

A Prayer for the Grieving Pet Owner
Oh merciful heavenly Father, We thank you for designing and giving a purpose to animals from the beginning, giving them to us as our companions so that we would not feel alone (Gen. 2:18-20). All … [more]

A Prayer for the Woman Without a Baby This Christmas
Oh gracious Savior, Above all else at Christmastime, I thank you for willingly coming down from your heavenly throne to walk among us and experience life in a fallen world. Thank you for loving … [more]

Relying on God During Times of Desperation
His heart pounded, his lips quivered, decay crept into his bones, and his legs trembled (Habakkuk 3:16). He was confused, angry, terrified, and desperate for relief. He cried, “O Lord, how … [more]

Let’s Be Like the Shepherds
And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night…And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be … [more]

Greetings from the Pit
When I have written to you these past years, my words have always been rooted in reflection. I learned valuable lessons and God grew me mightily through my prior trials of infertility and anxiety. … [more]

When You See the Storm Coming
I opened the weather app on my phone. There was no denying that the storm was coming. I refreshed the screen minute by minute, hour by hour for updates. The radar showed a real-time movement of green, … [more]

Truths for Your Identity
Every human being longs for identity and purpose. We strive to mark ourselves with influential words, prominent job titles, and power terms. Our identity directs the roles we take, those we surround … [more]

What Infertility Means to the Enemy
For years, my husband and I have walked a journey that no couple imagines they will face: infertility. We have never experienced the joys of a positive pregnancy test or holding our child in our arms. … [more]

When Mother’s Day Hurts
For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, … [more]

The Fire Won’t Consume Me
This past summer, Matt and I embarked on a two-week road trip out to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons (Idaho/Montana/Wyoming). And wow, what a trip! I'm rarely a woman of few words, but … [more]

Five Questions to Consider as You Wait
As a child, I rarely had lofty goals of being a doctor, an astronaut, or a teacher. My dream was to be a mother. When Matt and I married nearly nine years ago, I assumed that bearing a child would … [more]

Fighting the Lies We Believe About Infertility: 8 Bloggers Share How
One day I was on the receiving end of the enemy's relentless punches. Lie after lie bruised me, and I was weary. In considering the lies I was hearing, I called upon my closest Christian infertility … [more]

Childlessness and the Fear of Being Forgotten
From time to time, I lie awake at night, struggling to comprehend my future as a potentially childless woman. I am haunted by thoughts such as: "What will our future look like as a childless couple? … [more]

Praying in the Confusion
Are you in a season of confusion? Perhaps you are seeking to make a potentially life-changing decision, or maybe you are simply feeling directionless. As a woman living through infertility, I find … [more]

Let’s Be Like the Shepherds
And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night…And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be … [more]

A Prayer for the Woman Without a Baby This Christmas
Oh gracious Savior, Above all else at Christmastime, I thank you for willingly coming down from your heavenly throne to walk among us and experience life in a fallen world. Thank you for loving … [more]

Thanksgiving Prayer for Those Trying to Conceive
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Dear heavenly Father, The Thanksgiving and holiday season can be painful for me, and … [more]

Celebrate Christmas with These Unique Advent Calendars
The word "Advent" has a Latin origin meaning "the coming," or more accurately, "coming toward." For Christians, Christmas is one of the greatest events of the year, as we celebrate the greatest gift … [more]

{Guest Post} Pursuing God in the Midst of Pregnancy Loss
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13) When life is good, pursuing God is … [more]

What Would Sarah and Abraham Say about Your Infertility?
I often wonder what our interaction would look like if I could sit with Sarah and Abraham (recorded in Genesis) over a cup of coffee, asking them for insight based on their experience with … [more]

How to Pray for Your Doctor Through Infertility
I sat with my friend in a quaint coffee shop watching the tears stream down her face. Yet, she wasn't crying about anything she was going through -- she was lamenting for me. I was updating her on … [more]

My Review of “Hope When It Hurts” (+ Giveaway!)
"Hurt is real. But so is hope." It's rare -- a book about Christian suffering that isn't filled with fluffy, canned, half-truth Christian jargon. But I found one: Hope When It Hurts by Kristen … [more]

Feeling the Weight of Infertility? These Scriptures Will Help.
Infertility is a whirlwind of emotions — and I’ve experienced them all. Though many of us experience the weight of infertility at different levels and in personal ways, the truth of God's Word has the … [more]

Praying at the Fork in the Road
I have encountered many forks in the road throughout my years of struggling to conceive a child. One way tells me to wait, one way tells me to move forward in treatment. One way points to parenthood … [more]

When Mother’s Day Hurts
For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, … [more]

What Infertility Means to the Enemy
For more than four years, my husband and I have walked a journey that no couple imagines they will face: infertility. We have never experienced the joys of a positive pregnancy test or holding our … [more]

Five Questions to Consider As You Wait
As a child, I rarely had lofty goals of being a doctor, an astronaut, or a teacher. My dream was to be a mother. When my husband and I married nearly eight years ago, I assumed that bearing a child … [more]

Don’t Confuse Moving On with Giving Up
One area I battle with infertility is discerning whether or not I have moved on or given up in our pursuit for a baby. Truthfully, the only times I really wrestle with these thoughts are when others … [more]

Six Ways Jesus Faced Opposition
I opened God’s Word with a heavy heart, feeling the burden of opposition. A friend had recently attacked my character due to a difference of ethical beliefs. Stunned and hurt by this, I quickly … [more]

Have You Overcome Infertility, or Are You Overcome by It?
The word "overcome" is an interesting word, isn't it? It can relay two different meanings depending on its usage. If we overcome (intransitive verb) something, we defeat it, conquer it, prevail. We … [more]

A Prayer for the Woman Without a Baby This Christmas
Dear Lord, Above all else at Christmastime, in humility I thank you for willingly coming down from your heavenly throne to walk among us. Thank you for opening the door to freedom and salvation … [more]

Praying for the Prodigals
When I was younger, I remember briefly hearing about the "Prodigal Son." The story never resonated with me, and I incorrectly thought the term "prodigal" was synonymous with the favorite, perfect, … [more]

My Favorite Biblical Christmas Décor & Gifts on Etsy
Can you believe the holidays are here already? It's amazing how fast the Christmas season arrives. And I admit: I get just as excited about the holiday season as I did when I was a child! One day I … [more]

Thanksgiving Prayer for Those Trying to Conceive
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, it’s easy for me to feel entitled for you to bless me — especially with a child. Please humble me in your presence … [more]

Sometimes You Just Want to Go Home
As I walked Rudy on this beautiful autumn morning, I felt the leaves crunch under my feet. I smelled that comfortingly familiar scent of burning leaves in the air. I heard the leaves rustle in the … [more]

Why is Sound Doctrine So Important?
Shortly after placing a saving faith in Jesus Christ, I posted a quote to Facebook from a well-known, worldwide preacher. Later I received a message in my inbox from a Christian friend. She encouraged … [more]

10 Important Considerations Before Following Jesus
Nine years ago in my early twenties, I would have laughed at the person who’d predict that I’d be an unashamed, enthusiastic, passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Before placing saving faith in Christ … [more]

Dear America, You’re Ignoring the Real Enemy
Dear America, My heart is saddened in the wake of what we're doing to one another. But I cannot say that I'm surprised. You see, we're deeply rooted in sin and ignoring our Lord -- and that's … [more]

4 Things to Remember When You’re Uncomfortable
One of my favorite temper tantrums of Scripture is found in Jonah 4 – perhaps because I can closely relate to it. In this final chapter of Jonah, we find him back in the city of Ninevah. After … [more]

Knowing When to Speak and When to be Silent
Welcome to the new millennium, when we are provided constant opportunities online to voice our opinions and slay any opposition. But what happens when our beliefs and opinions are challenged? We … [more]

Five Questions to Consider as you Wait
As a child, I rarely had lofty goals of being a doctor, an astronaut, or a teacher. My dream was to be a mother. When my husband and I married nearly seven years ago, I assumed that bearing a child … [more]