Anyone who owns a Goldendoodle (and other Doodles) knows that there's a loyal tribe of the Doodle-obsessed. I am one of those people. In case you don't know what a Goldendoodle is (gasp!), here are a few facts. They are a mixture of a Poodle and Golden Retriever. Labradoodles, though similar, are Poodle/Labrador mixes. There are also Bernedoodles (Bernese Mountain/Poodle) and Aussiedoodles (Australian Shepherd/Poodle). They began to enter the scene in the 1990's and were bred for their light/non-shedding coats, making them more allergy-friendly. Their sizes range from mini (15-30 lbs.) to medium (30-45 lbs.) to standard (45+ lbs.), and their colors range from white to black. Doodles are … [Read more...]