While the Christmas season is joyous as we celebrate our Savior's birth and gather with our loved ones, there is oftentimes an underlying, invisible, silent pain and mourning that infertile couples carry. Perhaps it was to be their baby's due date, perhaps it was the month they were diagnosed. Perhaps they've been watching families decorate Christmas cookies and visit Santa together, wondering why it's not them. Perhaps they see gifts under the tree, and while grateful for them, would give it all up to have the one gift they've been praying for but have not received. I've come up with some helpful "A's" to guide you, as a family member or friend, in being a positive and loving support for … [Read more...]
Positive Parallels: Confidence
Last week, I began a mini-series of Scripture focus titled "Positive Parallels." I decided to do some research on the word "positive" since it is part of my brand name. I uncovered many synonyms to the word and what they say about our Lord and our relationship with Him. It's been exciting, to say the least! In case you missed last week's post {check 'er out here}, the definition for "positive" means: Consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of features or qualities rather than their absence. With no possibility of doubt; clear and definite. (Sound like a certain Father you know?!) Last week's post focused on the words "certain" and "reliable." And oh, was … [Read more...]
A Thanksgiving Prayer for the Barren
Father God, I praise you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, it's easy for me to assume that you should give and bless me -- especially with a child. Lord, humble me in your presence and in your Word to acknowledge you as Lord of all -- including my infertility. Lord, forgive me when I see my friends holding up their children's drawings of turkeys or participating in a Thanksgiving play at school -- and I feel that because I don't have what they have, that you don't love me. For I know this is a lie from the enemy, Father, and I thank you that you desire good gifts for me, and the enemy does not -- keep my mind clear on the difference. Father, restrain the enemy from … [Read more...]
Positive Parallels: Certain and Reliable
As I kept writing and speaking the name "It's Positive!," I began reflecting on the word "positive." I figured it would be wise to research and understand how it is used in the Bible. So, I decided to do a series called "Positive Parallels" after researching synonyms in Scripture. Cue the English major in me! The two applicable definitions of "positive" are described in the dictionary as: Consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of features or qualities rather than their absence. With no possibility of doubt; clear and definite. These are the main synonyms that were most "positive parallel": Assured Certain Confident Firm Reliable You … [Read more...]