God, Father, Lord—These names typify our communication with and about him. We know His name is to be honored, not said in vain (Exodus 20:7). It is to be “hallowed,” revered in our prayers (Matthew 6:9). Yet, God’s name signifies so much more. God invites us through Scripture to see how His name … [More]

6 Ways Jesus Handled Opposition
I opened God’s Word with a heavy heart, feeling the burden of opposition. A friend had recently attacked my character due to a difference of beliefs. Stunned and hurt by this, I quickly recognized my unpreparedness in facing this attack. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit prompted me to seek the Lord … [More]

My Anxiety, God’s Word
It’s easy to assume that someone as outgoing and passionate about Jesus as I am wouldn’t suffer from anxiety. But that’s not the truth. Throughout my life, I have suffered through several seasons of intense panic, anxiety, and subsequent depression, which really began intensifying in my college … [More]

When Mother’s Day Hurts
For many, Mother’s Day feels more like a day of mourning than a day of celebration. It stands as a reminder of what many have lost. Perhaps it’s a woman who lost her child through miscarriage, stillbirth, illness, or tragedy. Maybe it’s a woman who recently lost her mother. Perhaps it’s a woman who … [More]

My Top 10 Most Popular Infertility Posts
Keeping it real here: It's almost the end of National Infertility Awareness Week (April 21-27) and I did not get around to writing anything new. But I feel no guilt or itchy people-pleasing need to post something wildly profound. (That is all God's grace for this recovering people pleaser!) … [More]
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